Policy Changelog

For transparency, a list of changes to our polices are presented here.

June 8th 2024 - Content Licenses

We have added our content licenses as a policy page to further clarify how we license our content made for the Resonite platform for our users and other content creators.

This includes exceptions to our standard content license, for example content made by team members for personal projects or unless otherwise specified for a piece of content.

You may review this text on GitHub

February 14th 2024 - User Guidelines

We have made a small wording tweak to our user guidelines, in order to provide additional clarity on our adult content guidelines. The changed text is displayed below, but can also be reviewed on GitHub.

Sexually explicit content and activity, including kink or fetish related activity is only permitted in sessions that fit the following listed criteria:

18th October 2023 - Terms of Service

We've updated the language in our Terms of Service in section 2 Intellectual Property rights. We've removed some language relating to the license grants on contents:

5th January 2024 - EULA

We've updated the language in our EULA, section 6.8

If you have questions about these policies, please contact at .